A Sprinkle of Common Sense in This Market

I’ve had a strange feeling for a while now. I’m sure you’ve had it too. It’s this sense that something’s not right… or even broken… with this market. And I’m not just talking about the price action over the past few weeks. It actually goes much deeper than that. So far, more than 85% of … Continued

Warning Shots

Bad news for Washington… Fitch downgraded our nation’s credit rating last week. The news rocked the market and sent major stock indexes on a four-day losing streak. The rating agency cited “repeated debt limit standoffs and last-minute resolutions” – among many other issues – for its decision to knock the U.S. down a notch from … Continued

How to Win in a Politicized Energy Sector

One of my favorite sci-fi movies is the 1984 adaptation of Frank Herbert’s Dune. In the movie – and the book – a psychoactive drug called “the spice” plays a key role in shaping interstellar politics. It gives people superhuman abilities, and a lot of the story’s drama revolves around characters fighting for control over … Continued

Boring Is Good When It Gives You Steady Growth

Someone once asked famed American banker John Pierpont Morgan about his prediction for the stock market’s future. His response? “It will fluctuate.” You may argue that his answer isn’t useful. But I see it differently. No one enjoys volatility. But stock price movements give traders and investors alike the chance to seek profits. Without them, … Continued