33% Gains in 15 Minutes… From ONE Chart Pattern

August 19, 2022

Editor’s Note: With Andy on a boat somewhere in Northern Europe meeting with subscribers, we could think of no one better to step in for him today than our good friend Bryan Bottarelli. Bryan is the Head Trade Tactician of The War Room, an online, community-based trading research platform. He has an incredible track record of handing out fast gains to his members on a daily basis.

That’s no exaggeration. He guarantees it. See why he’s so confident he can help you right here.

Below, he shares his #1 chart pattern for finding consistent wins, day in and day out.

If you want to make fast profits… consistently… day after day… year after year… no matter which direction stocks are moving…

There’s only ONE chart pattern you need to know.

It generates tens of millions in profit opportunities…

And the gains can come in 15 minutes. Sometimes even quicker.

This pattern gets formed hundreds of times every single trading day.

And I’m willing to bet you’ve never used it.

But today… I’m going to reveal to you what it is… how to find it… and how you can start profiting off it – starting immediately.

Best of all… it’s the simplest chart pattern you’ll ever see.

All those complex chart patterns… like RSI, MACD, Fibonacci retracements…

Sure, they work sometimes. But they’re so complicated that it’s impossible to keep them straight.

What I’m about to show you is much easier to understand.

You don’t need 10 flashing screens. You don’t need hundreds of indicators. This single chart pattern is much simpler to identify.

And much, much more profitable.

For instance, it just led me to a 54% gain on Roku (ROKU) in 4 minutes and a 121% gain on Walmart (WMT) in just over an hour…

That’s right… Walmart, the bluest of blue chip stocks. This simple chart pattern could have doubled your money – within one hour of being formed.

Yep, this chart pattern works on everything. Tech stocks. Blue chip stocks. Even gold, biotechs and everything in between.

Name a stock… any stock… and you can use this simple chart pattern to get the chance to make instant profits.

It’s called the “W” pattern.

And it looks like this…

Chart – W-Pattern

Here’s how it works…

You have the bears, who push the stock down to the first support level (S #1). At this point, the bulls support it, and the stock bounces higher. The bears push it down again… and the bulls support the stock again at the same level (S #2).

When the bulls trigger this second bounce, that’s when the “W” is formed.

Now, this doesn’t tell you anything unless the bulls are able to push the stock past what I call the “free and clear indicator.”

Once the bulls do that, then you know they are in control. And that’s when you make your trade.

Let’s look at a real-life example…

I found a “W” formation on a company called Workhorse Group (WKHS).

Image – Bryan Screenshot

It was such a perfect “W,” I took a screenshot to share with you. (You can even see my reflection in the background.)

The stock was trading at $17.60 at the top left corner of the “W.” The bears pushed it down to the $16 level, but the bulls supported it, and the stock bounced up to $16.40. The bears came back and again pushed it down… but the stock got support from the bulls at the same $16 level and then bounced back up.

There are your two confirmed support points.

As soon as the stock crossed the $16.40 level (the middle of the “W”), that meant you’d hit the “free and clear indicator” to make your trade.

The “W” was confirmed, and the bulls were in charge.

And you can see once the stock got past $16.50, it kept going – all the way up to $17.70.

The result? A 33% gain in 15 minutes.

Mastering this one, single chart pattern can help you make a fortune in trading profits – day after day.

Yes, it’s really that simple.

Do you want to get alerted anytime a “W” pattern gets formed? In real time? Then join me in The War Room.

We’ve helped members make profits despite the market’s rocky performance this year. One member even turned his $20,000 trading portfolio into $185,000!

And for a limited time, we are offering a $500 discount on a War Room membership. Click here to learn more!