Special Report

2 Killer Crypto Coins That Will Be Bigger Than Bitcoin

Ask any ordinary person on the street to name a cryptocurrency…

They’ll say Bitcoin 9 times out of 10.

Bitcoin, of course, is the crypto that started it all. But that was more than a decade ago, practically ancient in technology terms. The technology that underpins it is inefficient and slow, and it limits Bitcoin’s use as an actual currency.

The blockchain that powers Bitcoin is first-generation technology. It proved the power of cryptocurrencies to disrupt the world of finance. It challenged the very idea of government-controlled fiat currencies.

If you compared the development of crypto to the early days of the internet… Bitcoin would be like AOL.

AOL was great… in the ’90s. But it was quickly overtaken by Yahoo, which offered the same product as AOL… only improved in every way.

Keeping our analogy going… the popular crypto Ethereum would be like Yahoo.

It’s the second-generation crypto that took everything great about Bitcoin and made it better while eliminating the weaknesses of its predecessor.

Ethereum functions better as a currency, and its smart contract technology can be used to make nonfungible tokens. But it’s still very inefficient. While some businesses and banks accept it, you can’t trade Ethereum for groceries.

Now enters the third generation of cryptocurrencies…

The two cryptos in this report are each poised to become the Google of blockchain. Remember when Google came along? Practically overnight, everyone forgot about AOL and Yahoo.

And that’s exactly what these two “killer” coins are set to do to Bitcoin and Ethereum. There is no doubt in my mind that the third-generation cryptos are going to be the ones to stick around forever. Investors who buy them now could find themselves in a better financial position than they had ever dreamed possible.

That may sound surprising given Bitcoin’s market cap of over $691 billion. You’re probably wondering how Bitcoin could be undone by some new upstarts.

The answer is in its technology

Show Your Work…

Bitcoin, Ethereum and almost every other first- and second-generation cryptocurrency rely on “proof of work” (PoW) to build their blockchains and create new coins.

In a PoW blockchain, users with specialized mining rigs compete to solve complex computations. The first one to get the correct number (called a hexadecimal) completes the block, adds it to the chain and collects the newly minted crypto.

There are differences based on the specific blockchain network, but they all use this PoW system…

Or at least they did… until “proof of stake” (PoS) came along.

See, PoW is extremely energy-intensive. The computers running blockchain calculations need some serious horsepower to run the necessary calculations. Plus, dedicated crypto miners will often run several of these computers at the same time, compounding the power requirement problem.

These energy-hungry mining rigs have raised a lot of questions, ranging from efficiency to cost to the environment. It’s expensive in more ways than one to get into cryptocurrency mining. This cuts out a lot of interested middle- and working-class people who would mine crypto if they could afford the hardware and the power bill.

The result has been large corporations and governments – China is a prime example here – dominating the crypto mining space… recentralizing what was supposed to be decentralized currency and opening the door for abuse by entities that control a majority of a blockchain…

But there is a better way…

A Stake in the Future

Founded back in 2017, Cardano is the first name in the PoS blockchain. It’s the biggest blockchain to successfully use the PoS consensus mechanism. It enables peer-to-peer transactions with its cryptocurrency, which is commonly referred to as Cardano but technically called Ada.

In PoS, a miner is restricted to mining a percentage of transactions that reflects their ownership stake in the network. For example, a miner who owns 5% of all tokens in the Cardano network can theoretically mine only 5% of the blocks.

The main thing this system is designed to prevent is a 51% attack. This can occur when a miner or pool of miners controls 51% of the computational power of the network and uses it to create fraudulent blocks of transactions for themselves, invalidating the transactions of other users in the network.

PoS, on the other hand, would require someone to acquire 51% of all the cryptocurrency in the network to be capable of a 51% attack… And it wouldn’t be in the best interest of any individual or entity invested that heavily in the network to attack it.

If a 51% attack were to occur, the value of the crypto would tank… and so would the value of the majority holder’s coins. So the more heavily invested you are in a PoS network, the more incentivized you are to maintain a secure network.

With PoW, the miner with the most hardware wins. People and businesses with vast resources can purchase and build whole farms of crypto mining computers.

But with Cardano and PoS, anyone with a computer and some money to invest in Cardano can be a validator… And they have better odds than a Bitcoin or Ethereum miner competing with farms of thousands of crypto mining rigs…

So in one stroke, Cardano’s PoS network fixes the energy draw, hardware requirements and security issues of its PoW predecessors.

In other words… Cardano and its tokens deliver on the decentralized economy promises Bitcoin made years ago.

But Cardano’s goal is much larger than being just another cryptocurrency. Its mission is nothing less than fully decentralizing the financial services industry.

Cardano’s network is working to build a new financial system. Developers in the blockchain network spent four years working toward creating smart contracts and finally introduced them in 2021. They allow people to use Cardano to borrow or lend money, transfer cash, and automate payroll, among other things.

Smart contracts have been present in blockchain networks since the launch of Ethereum. Compared with the outdated PoW technology of Ethereum’s network, Cardano’s network is much faster and more efficient because of its PoS.

Ethereum is trying to rectify that and shift to PoS. But changing the entire underpinnings of its blockchain will take time. That’s Cardano’s opportunity to break into the market. Imagine not needing to go through a bank to transfer cash or take out a loan.

Let’s focus in on cash transfers as a prime example of how smart contracts with the Cardano network are a marked improvement on legacy financial institutions…

Cornerstone Crypto Tech

Most cash transfers around the world go through Western Union. It has a near monopoly on the industry, with its only competition being MoneyGram. Because of the lack of competition, Western Union charges exorbitant fees of $0.15 on the dollar, or 15%. For some countries, that rate is higher, while for others, it’s lower.

Now consider that migrant workers – people who are vital to the modern global economy but are paid little – are responsible for an enormous volume of cash transfers each year. Workers from Latin America, Southeast Asia and Africa go to wealthy nations to meet labor shortfalls and send most of that money home…

If you add it all up, it’s a serious market opportunity – one that Western Union and companies like it exploit. It’s a captive market that isn’t going anywhere and needs a service that Western Union dominates…

And it’s a big market at that. For example, in 2023, cash remittances from migrant workers to their families back home hit $669 billion.

Western Union skimmed 15% off that number – a full $100.35 billion – from some of the neediest people in the world.

Cardano plans to change all that and give people control of their own financial futures, taking power away from monopolistic corporate entities like Western Union. To perform a cash transfer of a few hundred or thousands of dollars on Cardano’s network would cost less than $1.

But that’s just the beginning. As Cardano builds out its network, it plans to add things like buying insurance, trading futures, and accepting car loans and mortgages. Imagine a future where banks no longer have people’s finances held in a Vise-Grip.

That’s what Cardano represents. Blockchain technology is building a brave new world out there, and it’s one in which Cardano and its smart contracts will be a cornerstone.

What’s more, Cardano is cheap. After all, it’s still in its infancy. One token is about $0.50 as of this writing. In fact, for the price of one Bitcoin (roughly $47,719 at the time of writing), you could buy about 95,438 Cardano tokens.

Cardano is an improvement on Bitcoin in every conceivable way… If you missed the boat with Bitcoin or Ethereum, this is your chance to make the biggest gains in the next generation of blockchain technology…

But don’t wait too long. The media is starting to wake up to the potential of Cardano. We expect it to receive a “good news” bump and start surging in the next three months. The smart money knows this is the coin of the future, and the world is going to know very soon…

Action to Take: Buy Cardano (ADA) at market. This is a cryptocurrency, and as such, it cannot be bought through some traditional brokers. Crypto exchanges like Kraken, Coinbase and others will carry it.

Breaking the Speed Barrier

The modern internet is incredible. It has virtually all the knowledge and entertainment a person could want right at their fingertips…

But everything you buy, every YouTube video you watch and every barroom argument you win with a Google search get logged. And your digital records are for sale to the highest bidder.

For how incredible it is, the modern internet has problems. The main one being it’s far too centralized. The wild west days of the internet are in the past. In the 1990s and early 2000s, the possibilities were endless. You could find any kind of website and any sort of topic being discussed.

But the modern internet is dominated by the likes of Google, Microsoft and Meta… And they censor any websites or discussions they don’t like.

Big Tech owns a lot of digital real estate, and you’re renting it with your data.

But there’s one blockchain network looking to fix all that. The people behind it want to decentralize the internet and restore the digital wild west that made the internet great to begin with…

Enter Internet Computer (ICP), an open-source blockchain from the Dfinity Foundation using a token also called Internet Computer. When it comes to crypto innovation, this is one of the biggest projects you’re likely to find. The best part is… hardly anyone in the mainstream is talking about it… yet.

That gives early investors extraordinary upside potential.

Much like Bitcoin, Internet Computer works as a store of value – and just like Ethereum, it uses smart contracts, allowing it to power numerous applications and platforms.

But unlike Bitcoin and Ethereum, it runs faster and for a much lower cost. The Dfinity Foundation behind Internet Computer likens its capabilities to the internet itself, especially in terms of speed…

The trick is Internet Computer’s architecture. Most blockchains operate on the cloud, but Internet Computer has dedicated hardware centers in 48 locations across North America, Europe and Asia that run 1,300 Internet Computer nodes. That is, hardware dedicated to running the blockchain network.

And the network can freely add new nodes as its need for computing capacity increases…

This brings me to Internet Computer’s most exciting offering… Chain-Key Technology.

Succeeding Where Bitcoin Fails

Security aside, the main issue with Bitcoin and older blockchains is speed. You can always add in new security measures, but old cryptos’ speed issues are built into the systems they run on…

Bitcoin is most commonly thought of today as digital gold. It’s useful as a store of value, but just like how you aren’t measuring out gold dust to buy eggs and milk at 7-Eleven, you’re not going to be spending your Bitcoin on much.

That’s because, at most, Bitcoin’s network can process only three to five transactions per second – at a maximum. Ethereum is a little better at 15 transactions per second. But both networks pale in comparison to a conventional payment processor, like Visa with its 1,700 transactions per second.

It’s all due to how Bitcoin works. Computers on the network need to compete to validate a transaction and mine new crypto. It’s slow, and it’s not something that can be fixed without a complete overhaul of the blockchain…

Internet Computer’s Chain-Key Technology will fix all of that. It uses cryptographic protocols to coordinate the nodes in the Internet Computer network and uses a single public key.

In plain English, this allows any device from a laptop to a smartphone to a smartwatch, not just dedicated Internet Computer nodes, to verify the authenticity of artifacts from the internet. It also allows new nodes to be added and new subnetworks to be formed, which means the Internet Computer network is, in theory, infinitely scalable.

The scalability of the Internet Computer network means it can get faster over time – something older blockchains are incapable of. When it started out in May 2021, it had a block rate of 2.5 basis points, which is already about as fast as Bitcoin’s block rate.

At present, the block rate is nearing 38 basis points – more than double Ethereum’s rate.

And remember, the Internet Computer network is, in theory, infinitely scalable. That means the larger the network grows, the faster it can operate.

So we’re looking at a snowball effect. The bigger the network, the faster the block rate and the faster the network grows. In just a few years, Internet Computer could be within spitting distance of Visa’s 1,700 transactions per second.

And it’s that endless scalability that will allow the Internet Computer blockchain to become a new internet, one free of Big Tech interference…

See, the internet we all know and love is running out of IP addresses. There is a finite number of them out there, and when they run out, developers won’t be able to create new websites…

Internet Computer gets rid of the idea of IP addresses altogether. It replaces them with identifiable but anonymous blockchain addresses. There’s an infinite number of them, so using the Internet Computer network allows for an unlimited future for this new internet.

This blockchain is decentralized, and it can’t be monopolized by any corporate entities. Any and all websites would be free to exist, and Big Tech wouldn’t be able to track your every move to sell your information to advertisers, the government and who knows who else.

Developers have already caught on to the potential here, and as more of them pile in, Internet Computer tokens will see a surge in demand, as well as a parallel surge in price…

Now is the perfect time to get in while Internet Computer is still building its momentum. Once it takes off, you’ll wish you’d bought in.

Action to Take: Buy Internet Computer (ICP) at market. This is a cryptocurrency, and as such, it cannot be bought through some traditional brokers. Crypto exchanges like Kraken, Coinbase and others will carry it.

Crypto: The Next Generation

Cryptocurrency is a technology about to reach its third generation of development. Historically, a technology’s third generation is when the biggest profit potential is available at an affordable price…

The search engines of the early internet proved it. Smartphones illustrated it again about a decade later. The first two generations of any new technology are for getting the major kinks worked out, while the third generation is where the real money is made.

If you missed out on Bitcoin and Ethereum, you’ve got no reason to be worried. Cardano and Internet Computer will make their predecessors go the way of AOL.

Note: We’ve found that readers tend to buy the stocks in these special reports at different times. Keep in mind that we may have taken profits or stopped out of a recommendation by the time you read this report. Please refer to the current portfolios for the most up-to-date recommendations.

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November 2023.