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But it’s only a small taste of what Manward has to offer…

If you’re truly interested in our mission, I encourage you to check out our popular free e-letter. It’s called Manward Digest.

More than 150,000 men and women have signed up to receive this one-of-a-kind daily e-letter. Simply enter your email below to join them.


Manward Digest is bursting with crucial ideas to help you lead a healthier, wealthier and fuller life. I think you’re going to love it.

As an added bonus for signing up, I’ll send you my latest bit of research, “Five All-Natural Memory Hacks.” In it, you’ll learn..

  • Three “forbidden” memory-boosting superfoods to add to your diet today
  • The all-powerful “brain spice” that improves memory
  • The simple daily habit that’s been proven to raise long-term memory by 20.6%.

Now, who couldn’t use a better memory?

As you’ll soon see, Manward is rich with these kinds of outside-the-box ideas.

They’re the types of ideas that could just change your life.

Do yourself a favor and join us.

Be well,

Andy Snyder
Founder, Manward Press
