The Truth Is Unelectable

|November 2, 2020
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Editor’s Note: Politics aren’t Manward’s thing… but money is. That’s why you need to check out what our good friend Bryan Bottarelli is up to this week. For the first time… Bryan is broadcasting a FREE market livestream the day AFTER the election. He’ll show you exactly how to respond to the election results… minute by minute… 100% LIVE. If you’re concerned about how the election could affect the markets and your retirement… this is the ONE event you can’t afford to miss.

Join the LIVE Election Survival Summit: Wednesday, November 4, at 1 p.m. (Click here to RSVP for FREE.)

We apologize if we’re a bit scattered this week.

We just realized tomorrow is Election Day… and we’re running for president.

Time really flies when you’re cooped up by a pandemic, doesn’t it?

We spent all night scribbling out our concession speech. But who will we call to read it off to tomorrow night… the incumbent… a new guy… or a suicide hotline?

Eh, maybe we’ll just call the local news outlet and congratulate the team on their win. They did a bang-up job with this election. Voters aren’t just turning out at the polls in record numbers… They’re turning out on the streets.

Fear is high.

Rage is raging.

And yet… silly us… most folks are convinced their vote matters. They’re convinced the hate, the greed, the unfairness… all of it… will wash away by replacing one man with the other.

Instead of looking in the mirror, they look to the TV and pray that the glowing orb of makeup and teleprompter lies reflecting back at them will fix what’s wrong right there in their own living room.

Pretty silly if you ask us.

Then again… that’s why we’re good at writing concession speeches.

The truth is unelectable.

Readers React

We’ll run again in four years. We can only imagine the plague that will infect the headlines in 2024.

“Dow 100K,” we’ll tout. “And remember the dollar,” we’ll mourn.

With that, we make the pivot to the mailbag and prove why we’re oh so unelectable…

We got some good feedback on our piece last week about “shrinkflation.” Most folks wrote in to tell us where they’ve seen it in action… in their appliances, with their food… with airline seats.

But reader F.R. proves we’ve got some more work to do…

Shrinkflation is not everywhere yet, for instance it has not hit Manward Digest, all those words and no real information. – Reader F.R.

Oh my… we failed.

F.R. misses the point.

Shrinkflation is when you pay the same but get less quality. “All those words and no real information” is nearly the perfect definition of the idea.


If you’re going to pick on us, at least get the terms right.

And, better yet, we dare you to find such fine tripe as this at a lower cost. It’s impossible.

Let’s pick up our lower lip and head to the other end of the spectrum.

My golden rule is to follow the advice Andy provides and not think for myself. This has helped me be a better investor by far. – Reader T.E.

Ah… geez.


We guess.

But, T.E., we hate to say it… You miss the point too. Our whole aim is to get you to think for yourself. The idea of Liberty isn’t to live a life where you’re waiting – or, worse, relying – on the next move from somebody else.

Like we said above, look in the mirror, trust that fella and do what he says is best.

But we get what you’re really trying to say… and appreciate it. We really do.

And just so our head doesn’t outgrow our favorite wool hat…

I am 81 years young, and the above article is the most depressing article I have ever read. Your opinion goes against everything you try to convey in your Manward letter. I am dropping my subscription, and hope I never hear anything from you again about America’s trip to hell. – Reader R.L.

Understood, R.L.

Nobody likes to hear bad things about the country they love. It pains us to lift the veil and show you the hairy pimples behind it, but the truth shouldn’t be hidden.

What we think really got R.L. and a few others like him upset was this line from an essay last week

“But somehow… someway… hundreds of millions of folks have been tricked into letting a single man dictate their happiness, financial well-being… and freedom.”

They were upset because we didn’t name names… we didn’t say Trump… and we didn’t say Biden.

We didn’t throw a jab at the other side.

Why would we?

We don’t have to.

If anybody on any side believes that any one man can solve your problems… they’re fooling themselves.

Want us to prove it?

Check out the election results, whenever we get them.

The honest man doesn’t stand a chance.

We’ll publish our concession speech on Wednesday.

And keep the questions and comments coming. We read ’em all… good, bad and in between. Send an email to

Andy Snyder
Andy Snyder

Andy Snyder is an American author, investor and serial entrepreneur. He cut his teeth at an esteemed financial firm with nearly $100 billion in assets under management. Andy and his ideas have been featured on Fox News, on countless radio stations, and in numerous print and online outlets. He’s been a keynote speaker and panelist at events all over the world, from four-star ballrooms to Capitol hearing rooms.